高中 来源:网络 编辑:小新 2018-02-25 17:12:11


1-5 ACBAC   6-10 CCBBA   11-15 ABCCA   16-20 CACBA
21-23 CBA   24-27 BDAC   28-31 CBDA    32-35 ACDB    36-40 BFEGC
41-45 DACDB  46-50 CADBC  51-55 ACBDA   56-60 CBDBA
61. looking   62. up   63. them   64. to go   65. but
66. lips    67. hungry  68. heard  69. better   70. comes
Dear Henry,
It's been a month since I came to this new school and I really want to share ∧you some of the problems I have 
been experiencing.
As I tell you last time. I made three new friend here. We hanged out together during lunch and after the school.  
   told                          friends
We've been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars, it's been three Saturdays now and it's really cost me many. And 
                          singing                                                       much
I've realized this as a time-wasting activity! In fact, I don't like to go anymore, so I'm afraid I'll lose their friendship. 
How do you think I should do? If you are me, would you talk to him?
What                          were                 them
Please help me and give me some advice.
Li Hua.
One possible version:
The Spring Festival
The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year Eve to have a big meal. At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.
On the first early morning of one year, people stick the Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are stuck on red paper cuttings. The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on.
The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It is the Lantern Festival. Then the Chinese new Year comes to the end.

上一篇:衡中是衡水一中还是衡水中学?衡水中学和衡水一中有什么密切联系呢? 下一篇:陕西省安康市2017-2018学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题附参考答案
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